SV510 Solids pump

Heavy Duty Solids Pump. Not available for North Sea.
The SV510 Heavy Duty Solids Pump is capable of capturing high density slurries via a
strong 25”Hg+ (85kPa vacuum combined with high velocity airflows.
The pump is capable of recovering up to 45 m3/hr (198USGPM) @ SG1.0 of various
materials via vacuum load or top load gravity feed.
The SV510 Solids Pump can transfer drill cuttings, mud, sludge and mining slurry along
with heavy aqueous waste directly from the source to an array of destinations including
skips, bulk tanks or return to belt if required. Compact and with a relatively small
footprint, the SV510 is capable of operating on a wide array of materials with very high
solids content

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