Solids transfer unit SV 250


  • Thickener de-sludge
  • Petrochemical tank cleaning
  • Heavy crude transfer
  • Barge and hull cleaning
  • Sump and shaft de-mucking
  • Tailings and ash pond cleaning
  • Raw effluent pond desludging
  • Hazardous waste recoveryr
  • Transfer of mining slurries
  • Agricultural product and waste

The SX250-V Mobile Sludge Pump is designed to transfer an extremely wide array of heavy sludges via 100mm suction and discharge lines.

The SX250-V has the ability to operate with various SX Jet Packs ranging from 150 to 750cfm depending on the operator’s requirements.

The SX250-V Mobile Sludge Pump is a vacuum loading pressure discharge batch system that can recover flowable slurries from up to 50 metres (164ft) and deliver the same in excess of 800 meters (2625ft) whilst remaining a one man or fully automatic operation.

The SX250-V Mobile Sludge Pumpe can transfer in excess of 30 m3/hr (132USGPM) depending on the required duty.

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